Marunouchi Church Tokyo Sunday Service【Spring 2024 Newsletter】

Takaaki Hirano

It is a New Year, and after spending time in Luke and Isaiah over the Christmas period, MCT worship now continues in Genesis. We have seen the faith of Abraham and his wife Sarah as they trust the LORD. We continue to see how the LORD’s promises to this couple will be fulfilled. And we continue to consider as Christians with our spouses what a life of faith looks like today. The children are also enjoying these studies, as they also experience God’s love through his Word and the teachers who are in charge of the kids’ program. The teachers prepare handmade crafts for each service, and the children are free to think of their own ideas and make their own crafts as well, which allows each child to use his or her own imagination.

One area about which we would especially like your prayers is regarding the MCT worship service attendance. We have not seen an increase in attendance over 2023, but perhaps a slight decline. This may be due to the fact that we have not been able to devote much time to MCT in the past year due to various staff challenges at TMP, and also due to the fact that we have not publicly advertised our worship services yet. Please pray that many new people will come along this year, especially non-Christian friends. And please pray that God’s family will grow as God builds his church.

MCT worship services are currently once a month, and on the weeks when MCT services are not held, everyone is worshipping at their local churches. We plan for this pattern to continue over 2024. We trust in God’s timing, as we continue trying to proclaim the gospel to the busy business people who work here in Marunouchi and their families. We continue to trust and follow the LORD as Abraham did, knowing that the LORD’s plan will be fulfilled. Please tell your friends about Marunouchi Church Tokyo (MCT). 

With Spring fast approaching, we look forward to the next picnic lunch after the Sunday service, under the blue sky, sat on the green grass beyond the Imperial Palace moat, enjoying the trees, the birds, the friendships and the rest. Please continue to pray for the Lord’s guidance.

MCT Worship Schedule (March – June)
Date: March 24, April 14, May 26, June 23
Time: Starts at 9:45 a.m.
Inquiries: Takaaki Hirano(

Prayer Request —— Thank you for your prayers!

  • Pray that we will be wise in our approach to those who do not yet know Jesus, and be able to invite them to join us.
  • Pray that we would grow closer to one another as we worship God together.