2021 Spring Newsletter #1

A new year with a loving God.

Tokyo Marunouchi Partnership
Senior Partner
Thierry Richards

As we look back on 2020, we have much to thank our gracious LORD for, despite the many challenges of the global pandemic. In particular, it has been a deep joy to pray for and to open the Bible together with many workers in Marunouchi, and to see the LORD work through his Word and by his Spirit in ways beyond what we could ask for or imagine. The LORD has taught, rebuked, corrected and trained as the Bible has been opened, taught and discussed in Marunouchi Office Group Meetings and in one-to-one meetings, both in person and online. This has been a privilege to behold.

Over 2021, we would love for the LORD to keep working through his Word and by his Spirit in exactly the same way, teaching, rebuking, correcting and training people. We would love for many who do not yet know the LORD to hear about him and to come to know Him. We would love for many Christians in Marunouchi to enjoy the grace of Jesus more deeply, and to become stronger partners with one another, getting to know each other and help each other as we all pray for and share our lives and the gospel with those around who do not yet know the LORD.

In particular, in 2021, we would like to see the Marunouchi Office Groups become venues for deep gospel partnership, with many coming to know the LORD and others deepening in their relationship with Him, and with one another, amidst the challenges and opportunities of the Marunouchi workplaces. And we would like to see the Samurai Projects expand, building deep partnerships and working together with many local churches and pastors to help to equip both church interns and city-workers to teach the Bible faithfully, clearly, and wisely for decades to come.

The needs are huge, the opportunities are vast, the LORD is loving and powerful to save.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

Thank you for your continued partnership in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.