Tokyo Marunouchi Partnership Staff
Takashi Kurachi
As the new financial year got under way, Marunouchi Office Groups (MOGs) began trying a new weekly ministry each Thursday: The MOGs Lunchtime Meeting. I wonder in the busyness of the working week, to what extent our hearts are really focused on the Lord. It’s a question that both Christians in the workplace, as well as those working in churches, should ask themselves. We are surrounded by various temptations, and if we’re not careful it’s easy for us just to fit in with the world around us. We need daily, mutual encouragement in Christ. Adding another meeting into a busy week could seem like a burden, but as we all know even though we often feel less than enthusiastic about meeting together we are always glad we did it afterwards! As such we aim to keep the teaching engaging and encouraging. If you are in Tokyo, we’d love you to come and try out one of our meetings.
In April we organized a social outing to Shinjuku Park for a picnic amongst the Cherry Blossoms. In the run up to the event it looked like it might rain, and I was worried the rain might knock off all the flowers prematurely. But, on the day I’d never seen such perfect Cherry Blossoms. Not only were the flowers in full bloom but we were blessed with glorious weather. The lord led many people to join us, and it was a great time of fellowship and mutual encouragement.
At the end of last year we asked many of our regular participants to complete a survey. We’re keen to understand how better to serve people working in the Marunouchi Area and to tailor our programmes accordingly. If you have any ideas, or suggestions, please do mention them to one of the staff.