Marunouchi Church Tokyo Sunday Service 【Summer 2024 Newsletter】

Takaaki Hirano Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.Psalm 125:1 Spring in Japan is a time to rejoice in the full bloom of cherry blossoms. Those living in Japan go out to the parks, streets, and mountains, to see the pink cherry blossoms, the blue sky, and the …

Blessings from the Deloitte Christian Fellowship 【Summer 2024 Newsletter】

Nozomu Yoshimi Deloitte is one of the four largest audit firms in the world. Globally, there is a Christian community called the Deloitte Christian Fellowship (DCF), which is led by members in the United States. In Japan, a lunchtime Bible study group was held by Deloitte workers until about five years ago. However, since the …

Introducing two of the five new Samurai 【Summer 2024 Newsletter】

Makoto Kawaguchi Kamoi Bible Church, Yokohama Nice to meet you! My name is Makoto Kawaguchi. I am a Samurai Projects intern at Kamoi Bible Church in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. The reason why I joined Samurai Projects is because I came to understand clearly that “God loves Japan and has not abandoned it.” I have repented for not …