Blessings from the Deloitte Christian Fellowship 【Summer 2024 Newsletter】

Nozomu Yoshimi

Deloitte is one of the four largest audit firms in the world. Globally, there is a Christian community called the Deloitte Christian Fellowship (DCF), which is led by members in the United States.

In Japan, a lunchtime Bible study group was held by Deloitte workers until about five years ago. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic restricted our ability to come to work, we continued to have casual interactions such as online status reports. Even with the restrictions on our daily life, having a place to engage in casual conversation with my brothers and sisters at work was a source of emotional support.

Last year in 2023, we asked our members to meet face-to-face as much as possible and resumed monthly in-person lunch fellowships (we also use online).  And this year in 2024, we have also started an early morning bible study. These activities have taken shape little by little as the four core members and the administrators have prayerfully decided on management policies and other matters.

It is truly wonderful to share the Word of God with members who are in similar situations and face simillar work challenges. I am so thankful for the service of the members who prepare each month, and I am thankful for the blessed time we are able to spend together, heart to heart, with the beautiful and powerful words of the Bible.

The Apostle Paul wrote: for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
1 Corinthians 6:20

Initially, I did not expect to find so many Christians or people interested in the Bible in my workplace. However, we are surprised to find that many Christians are working around us. I hope that we ourselves can be vessels of God who heed his message to “Love your neighbor,” and so lovingly share the gospel with as many colleagues as possible, who very much need to hear it.