Marunouchi Church Tokyo Sunday Service 【Summer 2024 Newsletter】

Takaaki Hirano

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.
Psalm 125:1

Spring in Japan is a time to rejoice in the full bloom of cherry blossoms. Those living in Japan go out to the parks, streets, and mountains, to see the pink cherry blossoms, the blue sky, and the chirping of the birds that gather there, and their hearts are filled with excitement, joy, and peace. Smiles abound. This beauty in the heavens and on the earth is created by God, who gives good gifts to all, and who shines His light into our hearts as well. God’s light continues to shine on Marunouchi Church Tokyo. Thank you very much.

In March, April, and May, at the monthly MCT service, we talked about the crucifixion of Jesus, His resurrection, and His ascension. We also had a visitor from London, who gave his testimony about his daily work as a Christian businessman. And we had some visitors from Okinawa and so we have had visitors from all over the world come to worship here in Marunouchi, Tokyo. On average, 26 adults and 7 children have attended in the past 3 months. Although there are some comings and goings, the attendance is becoming more established. Several non-Christians have also come. The Lord is at work in this MCT Sunday service.

In small groups after the Sunday morning service, we talk about what we have learned and received from the Word of God that day. People enjoy these groups and often want more time to continue sharing. The person in charge of the Marunouchi venue occasionally has to remind us that our time is up. After this enjoyable small group time, we then go for a picnic in the outer gardens of the Imperial Palace, a 3-minute walk away. Over sandwiches and refreshments the conversation continues. On the green grass in the shade of the trees, under the blue sky, we continue the fellowship. And the children play together on the lawn. When they get tired, they come to their parents to get the needed food and drink. Children and adults alike are resting in the beautiful world  that God has created. I am full of joy and thanks.

Please share about this MCT service with your friends who are not yet going to a church or with your close non-Christian friends. They are very welcome. Let’s have fun together, whether singles or families, old or young. We trust in the Lord and continue to follow His leading. Thank you.

MCT Worship Schedule (June-September)
Date: June 23rd, July 28th, August 25th, September 22nd
Time: Starts at 9:45 a.m.
Inquiries: Takaaki Hirano(

Prayer Request —— Thank you for your prayers!

  • Pray that we will be wise in our approach to those who do not yet know Jesus, and be able to invite them to join us.
  • Pray that we would grow closer to one another as we worship God together.