Reflection from a graduating Samurai【Spring 2024 Newsletter】

Nakura Shinri
Soma Tokyo

I began the Samurai Projects with a desire to start a missional community in my home in Funabashi, Chiba, and to encourage Christians through worship. I am so thankful for the opportunity to study the Bible and work as a full-time intern at my church while confirming my calling and receiving financial support to do so.

I am especially thankful for the Bible exegesis and preaching classes, as well as the theological study through the Christ Bible Seminary (CBS) courses offered at the Samurai Projects. Through the exegesis and sermon classes, I have learned the importance of understanding the author’s intention in each passage of Scripture. And at the same time, I have realized how much I had been reading the Bible without paying much attention to the author’s intention. I have also learned the value of preaching, through doing preaching in class and then at my church as well, experiencing the challenges of preaching, and objectively reflecting on the quality of my sermons through feedback. This experience has strongly reaffirmed for me that I am not naturally good at public speaking, and at the same time, I have learned from experience that with God’s help, I can overcome my weakness.

In addition, through the study of some systematic theology, mission studies, and apologetics in the CBS courses, I have been renewed with a healthy fear of God and a desire to share the gospel with non-Christians around me. In particular, learning that there is an infinite qualitative difference between God and man was a refreshing experience that gave me a healthy fear and respect for God. I also learned that mission was not something that was born for the first time in the New Testament, but something that existed from the beginning of Creation, as is said in God’s words, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it” meaning that God’s kingship spreads throughout the world and His glory is revealed through the increase of Christians and representatives of God who recognize Him as their King. I want to live my life of mission with these things in mind every day.

During the past two years, my wife and I were also given time to be quiet and reflective and compose praise songs. And in the LORD’s strength we have been able to write five new praise songs and give new arrangements to more than ten old hymns. Many people have told us that their hearts have been turned towards God through these praise songs, and that they have enjoyed praising God whilst listening to the songs in their daily lives. We feel that the time we have spent composing praise songs and arranging music through the Samurai Projects and our church is already bearing fruit.

You can listen to the praise songs at the following You Tube site:

During this Samurai Projects period, we have also been able to meet other like-minded families in our community, and although two years has flown by, it has been a wonderful time of learning in which we have truly felt God’s favor abundantly. I am deeply grateful for the work of the Samurai Projects. I am also grateful to my church, Soma Tokyo, for accepting me as a full-time intern and to God for giving me this opportunity to learn so much.

Kotaro Yamamoto
Grace City Church Tokyo

It has already been two years since I began the Samurai Projects. The time has flown by. The first good thing about joining the Samurai Projects was that I was able to study God’s Word in depth at the same time as applying it practically in real life, immediately applying what I learned in bible studies in church ministry and with my non-Christian friends.
I was grateful for the opportunity to learn and to reflect on my own gifts as well, but I was also made aware of my weaknesses. I was not willing to try new things because I was afraid of the reactions of those around me. However, because the study at the Samurai Projects was full of new things for me, it gave me the desire to try new things, even if I failed. I think the atmosphere at the Samurai Projects, where it was okay to fail, was a tremendous blessing for me. Over the two years, my motivation gradually changed, so that more and more I learned to look up to God, who sees my heart, not to the reactions of others around me. Even now, God continues to change me step-by-step in this regard.
The Samurai Projects has also given me friends to learn with and to encourage and be encouraged by. It was great for me to experience the richness of Christ’s church firsthand as I spent time with Christians from various different backgrounds. Despite the minor differences, the foundation of the gospel of Jesus was greater than the differences. As this was my first experience of church work, I am grateful for the time I was given to share both the pain and the joy. I will cherish this connection even after I graduate.
Furthermore, it has been a joy to meet each and every one of the staff members I worked with at the churches where I served. I am grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to meet each and every one of them, whether those willing to spare time for me during the busiest time of the church year, or those who gave me advice about my Samurai Projects sermons after working on them with me at home, or those who prayed for me over the phone, or those who are still working together with me in the weekly Sunday worship service preparations.
Finally, I would like to thank the staff at Tokyo Marunouchi Partnership (TMP) as well as its supporters for providing such a wonderful program and for supporting me financially by giving a bursary to my church to cover half my salary for the past two years. Thank you very much for this precious time.
Thank you LORD.
Kotaro Yamamoto