Marunouchi Church Tokyo Sunday Service 【Summer 2024 Newsletter】

Takaaki Hirano Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.Psalm 125:1 Spring in Japan is a time to rejoice in the full bloom of cherry blossoms. Those living in Japan go out to the parks, streets, and mountains, to see the pink cherry blossoms, the blue sky, and the …

Marunouchi Church Tokyo Sunday Service【Spring 2024 Newsletter】

Takaaki Hirano It is a New Year, and after spending time in Luke and Isaiah over the Christmas period, MCT worship now continues in Genesis. We have seen the faith of Abraham and his wife Sarah as they trust the LORD. We continue to see how the LORD’s promises to this couple will be fulfilled. And we …

Marunouchi Church Tokyo Sunday Service【Winter 2023 Newsletter】

Takaaki Hirano One issue is that we do not currently have enough time for a couples’ date, which was one thing we wanted to incorporate. Rather, we have a simple service from 1000-1100a.m., then finish small groups at 12:00 p.m. and then have a picnic with family and friends at the Imperial Palace Garden. At some point …

Vision and Prayer requests【Autumn 2022 Newsletter】

Why a church in Marunouchi? The Marunouchi area is home to about 40 office buildings, including the headquarters of financial institutions, trading companies, insurance companies, and manufacturers. etc., and about 120,000 businesspeople who do business on a global scale. Approximately 10-25% of Japan’s gross domestic product is generated in Marunouchi, making it the center of …

Marunouchi Church Tokyo (MCT)【Winter 2021 Newsletter】

When we look at the important financial centres around the world, such as New York, London, Singapore, many churches exist there. These churches are able to be a community for business people to rest, enjoy friendship, as well as worship God. In this way it is necessary to have churches as a way of experiencing …